"Children working for heritage"

Our Mission

EduVentures actively provides environmental experiences for mainly disadvantaged Namibian youth whilst simultaneously contributing to the continued expansion of Namibian scientific knowledge and deepening the collective understanding of its natural and cultural heritage, all of which are crucial to the conservation & sustainable use of Namibia's environment.

Sunset & Quivertree near the Fish river

Our Vision

EduVentures envisions greater environmental literacy amongst all expedition participants, equipping them to be leaders that actively promote and contribute to the wise and ethical management of Namibia's natural and cultural heritage and to ensure environmental sustainability and well-being.


Some of the successes of EduVentures
Through EduVentures     

  • an increased interest in science in general, with learners representing their projects in countries like South Africa and Chile

  • participants show improved motivation for school related activities

  • one learner found employment after completion of school

  • a learner was awarded a scholarship to attend a private school

  • personal developments observed in expeditioners

  • scientific data were gathered given through to specialists for further investigations

  •  thousands of specimens added to national scientific collections of Namibia

  • establishment of a Science Lab for learners

  • various participantes gaining vocational training skills in a wide variety of areas

Deadwood ecology
Coming close to little creatures
Namibian participants at international science fair in Chile
Mantichora larva in Chowagas Mountain


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